International Shipping from / to San Marino
Shipping services to San Marino
Before you ship to San Marino, you will want to take a moment and think about what you are trying to ship there. If you are trying to ship a vehicle, for instance, you will want to go with a company that has a strong background in doing just that, such as Voovit. If you are looking to relocate for business or pleasure, you may want to go with a company specifically geared for these services such as International Movers or PS Removals. FedEx and UPS do a great job of shipping small to medium sized packages and large companies, like International Shipping, are quite well suited for shipping large containers to San Marino. Just be sure that whatever shipping company you choose to help you is insured and offers you a tracking system to follow your shipment as it gets to its destination.
Transit times when shipping to San Marino
The time it takes your shipment to get to San Marino will vary based on where you are shipping it from in the first place and how you choose to ship it. Most shipping companies that send things via air mail will offer some sort of expedited services that you can utilize. This service will cost you an extra fee, typically, but is well worth it when your package gets there safely in a timely manner. Talk to your shipping company to find out what they offer and the costs associated with getting your parcels there a bit faster. Unfortunately, if you ship via ocean cargo freight liner you will not necessarily have these types of options available to you, but it doesn't hurt to ask to be safe.
Shipping limitations to San Marino
Even though the list of prohibited items for shipping to San Marino is relatively short (it only includes acids, bearer documents, dangerous items as determined by the IATA, infectious substances, tabacco, radio actives, hazardous liquids and wet ice) you should still check for the most up to date list before shipping there as the list does change from time to time.