
International Shipping from / to Myanmar
Transit times when shipping to Myanmar
Most places ship to Myanmar without too much delay but you will want to check with the shipping company you choose for a more accurate estimation of timing.
Preparing your shipment to Myanmar
While preparing your shipment, you will want to make sure you have the necessary documents filled out and put with your goods before you send them off to Myanmar. Additionally you will want to make sure you checked with your shipping company for any size and weight requirements that they may have and try to adhere to them as closely as possible.
Required documents when shipping to Myanmar
You will be required to have a Bill of Lading and the original Commercial Invoice attached to your shipment when sending anything to Myanmar. Your assessed value of your items will play a role in determining if a duty will be charged by their Customs department. If you owe a duty or need to file additional paperwork with their Customs department, then your parcels will be held there until either of these situations are rectified. For help with these issues, you can contact your shipping company or their Custom's department directly.
Shipping limitations to Myanmar
When shipping to Myanmar, it is best to check for the most up to date listing of the prohibited and restricted items so that you don't have any unpleasant surprises such as having your shipment returned to you. Currently you are not allowed to ship any goods that were manufactured outside of Her Royal Majesty's dominions or that bears certain symbols pertaining to her throne. You are also prohibited from shipping any perishable biological substances or any radioactive materials. You may send hypodermic needles, as an example, but they must be sent on behalf of the government or too authorized doctors who have the appropriate documentation in place to accept such things.
Myanmar has International Shipping to: Bassein, Rangoon, Yangon, Henzada, Kalewa, Kengtung, Loikaw, Mandalay, Mawlaik, Meiktila, Mergui, Minbu, Mongwa, Moulmein, Myitkyina, Putao, Pyinmana, Sandoway, Sittwe, Taunggyi, Thaton, Toungoo, Victoria Point, Ye