Communications Experts is expanding its consulting reach with new clients in a variety of countries, including Russia. We are going to be opening a new location in St. Petersburg, Russia this summer so will need some help with moving some furniture there to get the office set up for its grand opening on June the first. Our head quarters are, and will remain, in Geneva, but we have a plethora of furniture there that we are going to want in the new space in Russia to tie in the two looks of the offices. To be moved are some formal seating pieces like a dining room table we use as a conference room table, some antique chairs from the sixteenth century, and some art work. We will be buying some regular office furniture for the offices once we get to Russia, but the part that faces new clients, such as the waiting room and conference rooms, will be furnished with the pieces we intend to move from Geneva. Any questions? Please ask before bidding. Thank you for your interest.